2023/03/24 07:07
Uyuni Salt Flat, UYUNI, Bolivia ⁠ ウユニのツアーに参加すると、 もれなくウユニならではの写真撮影に長けたガイドがカメラマンとなってさまざまな面白ポーズを指導して撮ってくれます これらの写真は(最後の1枚を除いては)厳密にはドイツ人の最新iPhoneで撮ってもらったものをシェアしてもらったもの 基本的に写真撮られる側は苦手なのですが 今回はせっかくなのでノリに便乗してみました ドイツ人学生らのはしゃぎっぷりがいい感じです よい想い出になりました photo on 27th Feb 20223 ⁠ This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. I had joined another tour like 2N3D UYUNI expedition with German and Mexican guys as soon as I came back from UYUNI starlight & sunrise tour. On the 1st day, the guide, who is almost a professional-ike instagrammer, taught us for posing and took our unforgettable photos many times in Uyuni Salt Flat. Honestly I don't really like to take amy own photo, but in this case, I had a good time taking photo together with guys. These photos were taken by German's latest iPhone. He gave us them for sharing kindly. ⁠ #UYUNI #ウユニ塩湖 #UyuniSoltFlat #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
2 コメント
2023/03/23 06:30
Uyuni Salt Flat, UYUNI, Bolivia ⁠ Sunriseツアー終了後、 立て続けに今度は2泊3日で回るウユニ満喫ツアー(仮称)に参加 ドイツ人とメキシコ人の6人グループで行動しました まずは当然、ウユニ塩湖再訪 次の目的地に応じて、途中途中で、写真映えするスポットをガイドがあちこち連れて行ってくれます ここはだいぶ町から離れているので建物の影がありません ちなみに2枚目以降は、足元に塩の華が咲いていて、見たことない景色に見とれてしまいました photo on 27th Feb 20223 ⁠ This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. I had joined another tour like 2N3D UYUNI expedition with German and Mexican guys as soon as I came back from UYUNI starlight & sunrise tour. On the 1st day, the guide took us to a lot of scenic view points of UYUNI for taking best shots. At the same time, I found tons of salt frake flowers floating on the lake that I've never seen. It's so stunning! ⁠ #UYUNI #ウユニ塩湖 #UyuniSoltFlat #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
2023/03/22 06:30
The dawn of Uyuni Salt Flat, UYUNI, Bolivia ⁠ こちらもウユニ塩湖の夜明けの続き ピンクと紫、青の濃いグラデーションから 白々と夜が明け、それとともに空の色が薄くなってきて 同時に太陽の強烈な光が混じって、何とも言えない色の変化が続きます 最後はまさに極楽浄土のような、天上界のような静かな光景 空の表情が一番豊かで面白いのは夜明けでした なので、ウユニはStarlight&Sunriseツアーがイチオシです photo on 27th Feb 20223 ⁠ I'm sorry that I've stopped to post photos these days. To be honest, I had traveled around Latin America for about 3 weeks! This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. This is also the moment right after the dawn of UYUNI salt flat. I had a great and incredible sunrise of UYUNI salt flat. It's the most expressive and valuable show time of the day in UYUNI, I think. I highly recommend to join the starlight & sunrise tour of UYUNI when you visit. ⁠ #UYUNI #ウユニ塩湖 #UyuniSoltFlat #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
2023/03/21 08:16
The dawn of Uyuni Salt Flat, UYUNI, Bolivia ⁠ 星空に引き続き、今回はウユニ塩湖の夜明け 白々と夜が明けてきた状態 2枚目は、まだ西の空に星が瞬いています(うっすら) 夜明けのマジックアワーは ピンクと紫と青のグラデーションが最高でした 追って、太陽が昇ってきてオレンジに染まっていきます 個人的には昼夜よりも夜明けが一番かっこよかった photo on 27th Feb 20223 ⁠ I'm sorry that I've stopped to post photos these days. To be honest, I had traveled around Latin America for about 3 weeks! This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. This is the dawn of UYUNI salt flat. We just kept waiting for the sunrise from the midnight on the salt flat. I guess the dawn is the best time to see as a picturesque and breathtaking view with magic hours like pink, blue and purple-colored gradation. ⁠ #UYUNI #ウユニ塩湖 #UyuniSoltFlat #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
2023/03/20 06:34
The Starry sky of Uyuni Salt Flat, UYUNI, Bolivia ⁠ 前回に引き続き、ウユニ塩湖の満天の星空 あいにくわたしの腕とレンズ性能ではうまく撮れませんでしたが 天気に恵まれ、湖面に星空が映り込んで しばし寒さを忘れるほど美しい星降る夜でした (長靴を履いているのですが、ずっと水に浸かっている状態なので底冷えして激寒) photo on 27th Feb 20223 ⁠ I'm sorry that I've stopped to post photos these days. To be honest, I had traveled around Latin America for about 3 weeks! This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. It was in the starry sky of UYUNI Salt Flat. We could see the Milkyway in the sky and the reflaction of it on the surface of the lake. That's a super photogenic and incredibly stunning! Even though I was so freezing because of soaking my rain boots in solt water. ⁠ #UYUNI #ウユニ塩湖 #UyuniSoltFlat #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
2023/03/18 07:20
Uyuni Salt Flat, UYUNI, Bolivia ⁠ しばらく更新が中断してましたが、実は2月下旬から南米旅してました! というわけで、 実は人生2度目のボリビア・ウユニ塩湖 前回はカメラ盗られちゃって手元にデータが全く残ってなくて、そんなわけで今回は20年越しとなるリベンジです! ボリビアの今年の雨季は一部地域では渇水気味と言われてましたが、 ウユニ地域はうまい具合に水が張ってくれていました! 日本人の大好きなウユニの鏡張り! (欧米人は対照的に乾季が好きらしい) あいにく雲が少なくて画的には寂しいですが、 それでも「ザ・ウユニ」って感じでした しかし、ウユニは日本人だらけ 特に学生さんの卒業旅行がびっくりするほど多かった 4枚目はそんな現地で知り合った若者たちとの想い出です photo on 26th Feb 20223 ⁠ I'm sorry that I've stopped to post photos these days. To be honest, I had traveled around Latin America for about 3 weeks! This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres). In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water like a mirrored lake. Actually most Japanese love such a picturesque mirrored lake of UYUNI. So I met so many Japanese tourists at that time, especially university students as a graduation trip. I took a trick-artistic photo with them who I met in UYUNI on 4th photo. Anyway, it's so stunnning ! ⁠ #UYUNI #ウユニ塩湖 #UyuniSoltFlat #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #海外旅のすすめ
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
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