2023/04/02 06:30
The Stone trees in Siloli's Desert, Potosi, Bolivia ⁠ 標高4200mのシロリ砂漠にある「石の林(ストーン・ツリー)」 これに似た風景をエジプトの「白砂漠」で見ました 国が違えど、やはり砂漠という地形は同じような風景を生み出すんですねぇ photo on 28th Feb 20223 ⁠ This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. I had joined another tour like 2N3D UYUNI expedition with German and Mexican guys as soon as I came back from UYUNI starlight & sunrise tour. This is the stone tree of Siloli’s desert in 4200m above sea level, located in the southern Potosi, close to the border with Chile, in Bolivia. I remenber that this would have a shape very similar to White desert in Egypt that I saw before. I'm wondering the climate of the desert might be created look-alike views even there are the remote continents. #UYUNI #ウユニ塩湖 #SilolisDesert #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
2023/03/24 07:07
Uyuni Salt Flat, UYUNI, Bolivia ⁠ ウユニのツアーに参加すると、 もれなくウユニならではの写真撮影に長けたガイドがカメラマンとなってさまざまな面白ポーズを指導して撮ってくれます これらの写真は(最後の1枚を除いては)厳密にはドイツ人の最新iPhoneで撮ってもらったものをシェアしてもらったもの 基本的に写真撮られる側は苦手なのですが 今回はせっかくなのでノリに便乗してみました ドイツ人学生らのはしゃぎっぷりがいい感じです よい想い出になりました photo on 27th Feb 20223 ⁠ This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. I had joined another tour like 2N3D UYUNI expedition with German and Mexican guys as soon as I came back from UYUNI starlight & sunrise tour. On the 1st day, the guide, who is almost a professional-ike instagrammer, taught us for posing and took our unforgettable photos many times in Uyuni Salt Flat. Honestly I don't really like to take amy own photo, but in this case, I had a good time taking photo together with guys. These photos were taken by German's latest iPhone. He gave us them for sharing kindly. ⁠ #UYUNI #ウユニ塩湖 #UyuniSoltFlat #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
2 コメント
2023/03/27 10:00
Ollague Volcano, Potosi, Bolivia ⁠ チリとボリビアの国境近くにそびえたつ「オルガエ火山」 標高5870mほどの活火山だそうです このビューポイントは溶岩から生まれた奇岩地帯で「火星に来たみたい」と言われるそう とりあえず、もうこの辺りから周りの山は6,000m級になってきて、 自分たちのいる場所も4,000mを超えてきて、 緩い坂でも一歩歩くごとにゼーゼー言い始めます 4枚目はふしぎな苔の岩でした(柔らかそうだけどカチカチに硬い) photo on 28th Feb 20223 ⁠ This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. I had joined another tour like 2N3D UYUNI expedition with German and Mexican guys as soon as I came back from UYUNI starlight & sunrise tour. This is well-knowns as one of the most active volocano of the Andean Cordillera named "Ollangue Volcano", located at the border of Chile and Bolivia, with 5,870 meters above sea level. And this view point is said to be like a planet mars created by cold lava. On the 4th photo, it's an interesting big, hard moss rock. #UYUNI #ウユニ塩湖 #OllagueVolcano #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
2023/04/07 06:30
Green Lake and Licancabur Volcano, Potosi, Bo#Bolivia ツアーも終盤戦です ⁠ 画像1枚目は標高4300mくらいにある「リカンカブール火山」(画像右、標高5960 m)と目の前の湖はグリーンレイク グリーンレイクは、この時はあまり緑ではなかったな… 画像2枚目は通称「サルバドール・ダリ砂漠」 名称は、あのシュールレアリズムの画家ダリがかつてこの地に訪れたことに由来しているそう 最後に画像3枚目は、もはや見慣れてきた天空の”レインボーマウンテン” 何度見てもふしぎな色合いですね ここはチリのアタカマ砂漠に近い国境近くなので、チリに渡りたいドイツ人学生たちとは国境でお別れしました photo on March 1st 2023 ⁠ This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. I had joined another tour like 2N3D UYUNI expedition with German and Mexican guys as soon as I came back from UYUNI starlight & sunrise tour. Volcán Licancabur( mountain on the right side of 1st photo) and Green Lake at about 4300m above sea level. Salvador Dali Desert on the 2nd photo comes from the historical even that Dali, who was a Spanish famous surrealist painter, came here before. Rainbow Mountain on the 3rd photo finally become the familiar landscape during our tour. Anyway, they are super unique. #UYUNI #Licancabur #Salvador_Dali_Desert #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
2023/04/04 06:30
The Flamingos in Laguna Colorada, Potosi, Bolivia ⁠ 標高4,200m級にある天空の湖「ラグーナ・コロラダ」 赤い湖に棲むフラミンゴは、 ジェームズ・フラミンゴ チレーノ・フラミンゴ アンディーノ・フラミンゴ の3種類だそうです どれがどれだかは区別付きませんでしたが…いずれも貴重なボリビア固有種だそうです ケニアとかガラパゴスのフラミンゴは、人間が近づくとサーッと逃げていきましたが、ここのフラミンゴはそこまであからさまに逃げなかったかな photo on 28th Feb 20223 ⁠ This is 'UYUNI Salt Flat' in Bolivia at 11,995 feet (3,656 metres) above sea level. In the rainy season between Nov and Mar, there happens to be covered with water lightly like a mirrored lake. I had joined another tour like 2N3D UYUNI expedition with German and Mexican guys as soon as I came back from UYUNI starlight & sunrise tour. They are said Bolivian 3 endemic Flamingos named 'James, Chleno and Andean', living in Laguna Colorada at 4,278 m above sea level near the border between Chile and Bolivia. They're so beautiful and not smelly at all. I was superised that they didn't quickly go away from us when we were close to them. #UYUNI #LagunaColorada #ラグーナコロラダ #Bolivia #travelgram #thegreatplanet #worldtraveler #travelphotography #travel_pic #amazingplace #travelholic #landscape #zekkei_hunter #Zekkei #絶景 #travel #journey #globetrotter #wanderlust #旅好きな人と繋がりたい #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #TravelBlogger #photographer⁠ ⁠#instagood #photooftheday⁠ #photooftheday japanairlines_jal⁠ #jaltrico #発見レポ #推し活
いいね 行ってみたい 行った
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