Today is Children's Day. There is a lot of carp in the sky tree which I went last time. The day I went there was bad weather and the carp was rough. *
#こどもの日 #鯉のぼり #carp #東京スカイツリー #鯉のぼり #日本の伝統行事 #菖蒲湯 #東京観光 #東京観光スポット #tokyosightseeing #tokyoskytree #東京ライフ #tokyolife #30代女子 #30代の過ごし方 #鯉だらけ し #jaldiscova #発見レポ japanairlines_jal
Today is Children's Day. There is a lot of carp in the sky tree which I went last time. The day I went there was bad weather and the carp was rough. *
#こどもの日 #鯉のぼり #carp #東京スカイツリー #鯉のぼり #日本の伝統行事 #菖蒲湯 #東京観光 #東京観光スポット #tokyosightseeing #tokyoskytree #東京ライフ #tokyolife #30代女子 #30代の過ごし方 #鯉だらけ し #jaldiscova #発見レポ japanairlines_jal
Curated fromInstagram